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Kamlesh Kumar, RC Sarin
Correspondence Address:
Kamlesh Kumar
Correspondence Address:
Kamlesh Kumar
How to cite this article: Kumar K, Sarin R C. . Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1978;44:310-315 |
Copyright: (C)1978 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Two cases of chromoblastomycosis are described. Cladosporium carrionii (case I) and Hormodendrum pedrosi (case 2) were the etiological agents. Both patients showed involvement of uncommon site such as face. Intralesional Amphotericin-B caused the improvement. In case 2, lesions responded to I/V Arnphotericin-B but recurred each time about one year after stopping treatment. Thiabendazole orally combined with local application showed favourable response.Fulltext Views
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