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30th National conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, 24-27 January, 2002. Cochin, Kerala.
Correspondence Address:
K K Raja Babu
Department of Dermatology, Gandhi Hospital & Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
How to cite this article: Raja Babu K K. 30th National conference of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, 24-27 January, 2002. Cochin, Kerala. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2002;68:3 |
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Honourable Chief Guest, Justice Shri Srikrishna, dignitaries on the dais, distinguished guests to the conference, my beloved delegates and their families, Ladies and Gentlemen.
At the very outset, I would like to thank the honourable members of our association for electing me as their President for this year. I must confess that I feel proud and privileged standing before you this morning after the great honour you had bestowed on me in the prime of my career. However, recalling all those great and celebrated names in Indian dermatology who had adorned this high office, many of them in this audience, a sense of trepidation also pervades me at this moment. I pray God to give me strength, courage and wisdom to enable me to lead and serve you as my illustrious predecessors did. Indeed, I look forward to their guidance and support in the months ahead. I promise you that my team and I will strive to take our association to greater heights of glory and work for the common good of its members.
Dear friends, you know from my campaign for the President-ship of our association that I have some very strong views about the functioning and the future of IADVL. I would like to put these into practice with the consent, cooperation and approval of the central council and general body of members of the association. I will try to outline a few of these now.
1. It is a common knowledge that not all members of the association are doing well, financially that is. It is my intention to start with your approval, a family benefit scheme on the lines of the one that is successfully functioning in the IMA, so that the family of the deceased members get some financial solace and support in the hour of need.
2. The constitution of IADVL permits opening of city, state, and regional branches to serve its aims and objectives. But I am constrained to note that some city branches of IADVL members continue to exist under other names. I appeal from this podium all those city units to rename them immediately as IADVL city branches and seek affiliation with their state branches.
3 Today there are nearly 5000 professionals who practice dermatology, venereology and leprosy in our country and it is time we have a central office and a building, with a paid secretary and a few assistants. Such a step, I think, is likely to solve many of the organizational problems we are facing now. Some efforts were made in the past but the idea did not prosper. We have some proposals coming up, in the general body meeting, to bring some cheer to the financial health of our association and once this enrichment is assured, I promise you that my team and I will take the necessary steps to achieve this goal of a central office.
4. I learn that many members are agitated of the misleading advertisements that are appearing in some sections of the visual and print media and elsewhere promising ′magical cures′ of some skin and hair disorders and of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. I appeal to the Government of India to strictly enforce the provisions of the Drugs and Magic remedies (objectionable advertisements) Act 21 of 1954 and also extend the scope of this act to include several more skin disorders and newer diseases like AIDS. I specially request the print and visual media to show restraint in the acceptance of such advertisements. I also appeal to those who issue such advertisements to stop doing it. The constitution of IADVL enjoins us to do whatever within our realm and ability to promote education of the public of our country on matters of health that concerns our specialty. I request you to permit me and my team to take the necessary steps through consultation, counseling and publicity, and a legal recourse if needed, to curb this malady. I intend to appoint a committee of senior members to go into all aspects of this problem
Dear colleagues, this association is yours. The stronger it is, the stronger you are. Let us not ask what IADVL can give us but let us ask what we can give to IADVL.
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to this enchanting city of Cochin and to this wonderful venue and hope that your stay here is pleasant and rewarding. I also hope that your scientific deliberations are fruitful and your professional exchanges bring solace and comfort to the sick and the suffering.
Thank you very much.
25 January, 2002.
Jai Hind
Dr. K K Raja Babu [Figure - 1]