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Named bodies in dermatology
2 Department of Pathology, St John's Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India
3 Department of Microbiology, St John's Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India
Correspondence Address:
Fiona F Sequeira
Department of Dermatology, St John's Medical College and Hospital, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 034
How to cite this article: Sequeira FF, Kumar A, Kini U, J. Named bodies in dermatology. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2010;76:206-212 |
This article cites, briefly and completely, the named bodies in dermatology. It is not restricted to bodies seen only histopathologically, rather an attempt has been made to include bodies found in the skin, blood smears, fundal examination, lymph nodes, culture media and bone marrow smears provided they pertain to disease conditions of our subject of interest [Figure - 1],[Figure - 2],[Figure - 3],[Figure - 4]. At the end of the day, the article will stand useful to not only the dermatologist / pathologist but more so to the young budding dermatology/ pathology postgraduates who are often quizzed on this part of dermatology. The article has been broadly divided into the following categories:
General Category[Table - 1]
- Normal cutaneous anatomy: Glomus bodies, lamellar bodies, Weibel-palade bodies
- Hair disorders: Arao-Perkin bodies, papillary mesenchymal bodies
- Granulomatous disorders: Asteroid bodies, Conchoidal /Schaumann bodies
- Metabolic and storage disorders: Banana bodies, Caterpillar bodies, Farber′s bodies, Lafora bodies, Zebra bodies, Alder Reilly bodies
- Tumors: Dutcher bodies, Psammoma bodies, Pustulo-ovoid bodies of Milian, Verocay bodies
- Papulosquamous disorders: Civatte bodies, Corp ronds and grains
- Histiocytic disorders: Comma shaped bodies
- Benign pigmented lesions: Kamino bodies
- Collagen vascular disorders: Cytoid bodies, LE bodies
- Age related change: Pertinax bodies
- Drug induced: Heinz bodies
Infectious Disorders[Table - 2]
- Bacterial: Dohle bodies, Mallory bodies, Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, Russell bodies, Donovan bodies, Gamna favre bodies
- Fungal: Cigar bodies, Medlar bodies
- Protozoal: Leishman Donovan bodies
- Viral: Poxviridae: Guarnieri bodies, Henderson-Patterson bodies:
- Herpes group: Cowdry A.
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