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Large annular plaque with central atrophy on nose
Correspondence Address:
Raju G Chaudhary
Department of Dermatology, Kesar SAL Medical College and Research Institute, Ahmadabad
How to cite this article: Chaudhary RG, Bilimoria F, Katare S K. Large annular plaque with central atrophy on nose. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2009;75:552-553 |
A 21-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of an asymptomatic small, single papular lesion on the left side of the nose, which gradually increased in size with central clearing. The patient was otherwise healthy. There was no incidence of a similar disorder in his family. Examination revealed a large (>10cm) annular plaque surrounded by well-defined keratotic walls, which revealed a thin groove on close inspection, with central atrophy on the nose involving alae nasi, upper part of the lip and vestibule of the nose with wafer scales [Figure - 1] and [Figure - 2]. The findings of all routine investigations were within normal limits. Results of HIV antibody test and Mantoux test were negative. Collagen profile was within normal limits. Histological examination of the tissue from the lesion on the left side of nose showed multiple follicular and parakeratotic invaginations in the epidermis, absent granular layer and scattered dyskeratotic cells. Underlying dermis showed chronic inflammatory infiltrate [Figure - 3] and [Figure - 4].
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