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PMID: 20952988
A clinico-aetiological profile of 375 cases of lichen planus
Dilip Kachhawa, Vandana Kachhawa, G Kalla, LP Gupta
Departments of Dermatology and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr SN Medical College, Jodhpur, India
Correspondence Address:
G Kalla
4-F-12, Sugyajan, Near Rotary Circle, New Power House Road, Jodhpur-342 003
Correspondence Address:
G Kalla
4-F-12, Sugyajan, Near Rotary Circle, New Power House Road, Jodhpur-342 003
How to cite this article: Kachhawa D, Kachhawa V, Kalla G, Gupta L P. A clinico-aetiological profile of 375 cases of lichen planus. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1995;61:276-279 |
Copyright: (C)1995 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
The study of clinical, histopathological and aetiological pattern, of lichen planus (LP) in 375 patients was done in this part of Western Rajasthan, The incidence of LP was 0.8%. 58.7% cases were male and maximum number of cases (46.93%) were in age group of 20-39 years. In 70.66% of patients only skin was involved while in 10.18% of cases only mucous membrane was involved. In 61.6% patients the lower extremities were involved. Familial LP was seen in 8 families. Association of LP was found with hypertension (2.4%), polymorphic light eruption (2.1%), vitiligo (1.9%) and diabetes mellitus (1.6%). 48.5% of cases showed lymphocytosis with raised ESR. Actinic LP was seen in 14.1% of cases. 13.1% of patients showed combination of typical LP or its variants to which term lichen planus variata was given.
Keywords: Lichen planus, Actinlcus, Variata
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