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Annular and serpiginous plaques in an old man
Correspondence Address:
S Pradeep Nair
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, T.D. Medical College, Vandanam, Alleppey - 688 005, Kerala
How to cite this article: Das C S, Nair S P, Sreedevan V, Skaria L, Mathew R, Mathew R. Annular and serpiginous plaques in an old man. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2011;77:107-109 |
An 80-year-old male farmer presented with multiple reddish raised lesions on the abdomen and limbs, of 4 months duration. Past history was unremarkable. On examination, the patient had multiple discrete erythematous and skin colored annular, serpiginous, arciform and polycyclic plaques distributed on the abdomen, thighs and upper limbs [Figure - 1]. Systemic examination was within normal limit. Routine investigations were normal. Skin biopsy showed multinucleate giant cells with palisading arrangement along with scanty elastic fibers in the upper and mid dermis [Figure - 2]. Verhoeff von Gieson stained section showed elastic fiber degeneration and elastophagocytosis by giant cells granuloma [Figure - 3].
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Figure 1: Annular, serpiginous and polycyclic plaques on abdomen |
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Figure 2: Palisading of giant cells with horizontal arrangement of collagen fibers (arrow) (H and E, ×400) |
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Figure 3: Scanty broken elastic fibers with elastphagocytosis (arrow) (Verhoeff van Geison, ×400) |
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