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PMID: 28112112
Basal Cell Epithelioma (A Clinico-pathological Study of 172 Cases)
RL Solanki, HL Arora, VK Anand, SK Gaur, R Gupta
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How to cite this article: Solanki R L, Arora H L, Anand V K, Gaur S K, Gupta R. Basal Cell Epithelioma (A Clinico-pathological Study of 172 Cases). Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1989;55:38-43 |
Copyright: (C)1989 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
The present paper deals with a clinico-pathological analysis of 172 cases of basal cell epithelioma representing 28% of the total skin cancer case. 1.44% of the total malignant tumours, 1% of the total tumours and 0.24% of the hospital admissions. M:F ratio was 1.26:1. The mean age was 54.06 years with the maximum number of cases in the fifth decade., Most (94%) of the lesions were seen on the head and neck region. Histopathologically it showed solid (60.5%), adenoid cystic (15,7%), keratotic (9.3%), pigmented (6.4%), basi-squamous (3.5%) and morphoea patterns (2.3%). Perineural lymphatic invasion was seen in 52% of the adenoid cystic basal call epithelioma. Amyloid (12.8%) and amyloid like deposits (29.65%) were seen in 42% of the case. Amyloid deposits were seen as lichen amyloidosis in 10.46% cases and in or around the tumour cell masses in 16.8% cases. It appeared as structureless homogeneous eosinophilic material and showed congophilia with apple green birefringence on polarising microscopy. It was found to be KMN04 sensitive (AA type protein- secondary amyloidosis). Amyloid like deposits appeared as less homogeneous,, basophilic, fractured material which showed non-specific congophilia with apple- green birefringence and stained with acid orcein stain indicating degenerated collagen (elastoid-degeneration).Fulltext Views
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