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Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
PMID: 28193929
Contact Dermatitis Due to Plants
AK Bajaj, CC Govil, SN Bhargava
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How to cite this article: Bajaj A K, Govil C C, Bhargava S N. Contact Dermatitis Due to Plants. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1982;48:268-270 |
Copyright: (C)1982 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Forty-seven cases of suspected plant dermatitis were patch tested with extracts of various plants. Twenty-six showed positive patch tests to one or more plant antigens. Parthenium sensitivity was observed in nine cases. Trianthema monogyna, Carissa, carandus, Amaranthus viridis, Amaranthus spinosus, Euphorbia hirta, Euphorbia thymibolia, Salvia plebia, lantana camera and pennisetum typhoides were other important plants founds to be responsible for contact sensitivity. Majority of the patients were from rural areas and most of them showed exacerbation of the dermatitis during rainy season. Males and females were equally affected.Fulltext Views
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