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PMID: 20921636
Cutaneous tuberculosis in children a clinico-microbiological study
Latika Arya, RV Koranne, Manorama Deb
Department of Dermato-Venereology and Department of Microbiology, lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt. Sucheta Kripalani and Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, New Delhi-110001, India
Correspondence Address:
R V Koranne
A-703-Rosewood Apartments, Mayur Vihar-Phase 1, Delhi-110091
Correspondence Address:
R V Koranne
A-703-Rosewood Apartments, Mayur Vihar-Phase 1, Delhi-110091
How to cite this article: Arya L, Koranne R V, Deb M. Cutaneous tuberculosis in children a clinico-microbiological study. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1999;65:137-139 |
Copyright: (C)1999 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Twenty untreated patients of cutaneous tuberculosis varying from 2-12 years of age were included in the study. The incidence of cutaneous tuberculosis amongst the paediatric dermatological patients was 0.36%. Of these, 10 had lupus vulgaris, 8 had scrofuloderma, 3 had tuberculosis verrucosa cutis and 2 had lichen scrofulosorum. Three patients concomitantly had more than one type of skin tuberculosis. Systemic involvement in the form of pulmonary and osseous system was seen in 45% cases. The tubeculin test was uniformly positive. Affirmative clinico-histopathological correlation was observed in all the patients. However, acid fast bacilli could not be demonstrated in any of the sections. Only one patient (scrofuloderma) exhibited AFB on smear examination. In the same patient, M. tuberculosis could be cultured on L-J medium. However, Elisa for IgM antibodies in serum was positive in 12 (60%) cases. Need for newer techniques in the diagnosis is emphasised.
Keywords: Cutaneous tuberculosis, Paediatric, ELISA tests
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