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Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
PMID: 28223588
Diabetic Status in Psoriasis
Pranesh Nigam, SG Dayal, LD Joshi, KC Samuel
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How to cite this article: Nigam P, Dayal S G, Joshi L D, Samuel K C. Diabetic Status in Psoriasis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1979;45:171-174 |
Copyright: (C)1979 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Sixty five uncomplicated cases of psoriasis were subjected to standard and cortisone primed glucose tolerance test to study the association of of the disease with diabetes mellitus. The peak incidence of psoriasis was in early adulthood (26.1%). The c lesions were mainly as with micaceous, loosely adherent scales covering them (53.9%). Im-paired glucose tolerance test was detected in 19 (27.7%) cases, of whom )-5%, m4. 12.3% latent and 13.8% latentcfwmicaf Les. Elevep out of 18 cases with glucose tolerance had extensive cutaneous lesions ( B). Ten out of 18 cases had glucose tolerance curve with sharp rise followed first by lag phase and then decline phase with blood sugar remaining above fasting level. The incidence of diabetes in psoriasis was more in, persons above 40 years of age (35.7%).Fulltext Views
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