Editorial Board
The editorial board comprises a panel of experts from various disciplines of medical and allied sciences to provide their expertise and guidance in maintaining the clarity of content and focus of the purpose for the journal.

University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital
Dilshad Garden,
Delhi- 110095, India
Email: editor@ijdvl.com, ijdvleditor@gmail.com
Managing Editor

Dr. Dinesh’s Skin & Hair Clinic
Email: managingeditor@ijdvl.com
Associate Editors

Sreenarayana Institute of Medical Sciences,
Kerala, India
Email: ferozkal@gmail.com
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India
Email: stoppeditt@yahoo.com

Consultant Dermatologist,
Bhojani Clinic, Mumbai
Honorary Consultant, Department of Dermatology,
B J Wadia Hospital for Children & Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital,
Mumbai, India
Email: mailreshamvasani@gmail.com

Department of Dermatology,
Armed Forces Medical College,
Pune, India
Email: shekharadvait@gmail.com

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, India
Email: doctor.vishalgupta@gmail.com
Section Editors

Consultant Dermatologist,
Amar Hospital, Mohali,
Punjab, India
Email: aditi.derma@gmail.com

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, AIIMS,
Bhubaneswar Sijua,
Odisha, India
Email: biswanathbehera61@gmail.com

Assistant Professor,
Dermatology Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals,
New Delhi
Email: geetikhullar@yahoo.com

Gopikrishnan Anjaneyan
Associate Professor
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre,
Kochi, India
Email: drgopikrishnana@gmail.com
Professor, Jawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education And Research (JIPMER),
Puducherry, India
Email: laxmishac@gmail.com

Neelakandhan Asokan
Government Medical College,
Kerala, India
Email: asokann65@gmail.com

Dr. Ananta Khurana
Professor, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Atal Bihari Vaypayee Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
Emaiil: drananta2014@gmail.com

Professor, Dermatology,
Dr. RML Hospital & ABVIMS,
New Delhi, India
Email: drpoojamrig@gmail.com

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand,
Email: ritibhatia_aiims@yahoo.com

Indira Gandhi Medical College,
Pondicherry, India
Email: saritha_mohanan@yahoo.co.in

1/4, honda mansion,
332 sir jJ road, above vodafone shop, Byculla
Mumbai, India
Email: drshenaz@gmail.com

Sheetal Amin Poojary
K. J. Somaiya Medical College,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Email: spoojary2004@gmail.com

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh, India
Email: narangtarun@yahoo.co.in

Department of Dermatology,
Venerology and Leprology,
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Email: vinsh777@gmail.com
Content Editors

Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Ajit Skin Clinic,
Maharashtra, India
Email: dermajit@gmail.com

Assistant professor Dermatology
Department of Dermatology,
INHS Asvini
Mumbai, India
Email: bhavni.oberoi@gmail.com

Professor, Department of Dermatology,
Christian Medical College and Hospital,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Email: dharshsathish@gmail.com
Department of Dermatology,
Chandigarh, India
Email: divyaseshadriaiims@gmail.com

Government Medical College,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Email: drnandakumar_g@yahoo.co.in
College of Medicine and Sagore Dutta Hospital,
Kolkata, India
Email: ipodder88@gmail.com

Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Government Hospital for Mental Care,
King George Hospital,
Visakhapatnam, India
Email: kavyabaddireddy@gmail.com

Consultant Pediatric Dermatologist
Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Email: sahana.bmc@gmail.com

Shyam Prasad
Ramaiah Medical College,
Bengaluru, India

Image Editors

Statistical Editor

Media Cell IJDVL

Chief Dermatologist
Skin Saga Centre for Dermatology
Mumbai, India
Email: aseemsharma082@gmail.com

Director & Chief dermatologist
Skin Saga Centre for Dermatology,
Mumbai, India
Email: dr.madhulika@hotmail.com
Emeritus Editor
Professor & Head,
Department of Dermatology,
JIMS Hospital & Medical college,
Kolkata, India
Email: saumyapan@gmail.com
Editorial Advisory Board (National)
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER),
Puducherry, India
Email: dmthappa@gmail.com
Professor &Head
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy Govt Medical College Srinagar, India
Email: hassaniffat@gmail.com
Department of Dermatology and Venerelogy, AIIMS
New Delhi, India
Email: prokverma@hotmail.com
Fr. Muller Medical College,
Department of Dermatology,
Venereology &Leprosy,
Kankanady, Mangalore 575
Email: rameshderma@gmail.com
M.A.M.C., 318, Ashirwad Enclave,
Plot No.104, Indraprastha Extension, Patparganj,
New Delhi-110092, India
Email: rashmisarkar@gmail.com

Department of Dermatology
PGIMER, Sector 12,
Chandigarh, India
Email: sunildogra@gmail.com
Editorial Advisory Board (International)
Prof. of Dermatology & Director
Center for Research & Training in Skin Diseases & Leprosy
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Iran
Email: aliferuz@yahoo.com
Consultant Dermatologist and Clinical Lead
Gloucestershire hospitals
NHS Foundation trust
Email: anitatakwale@nhs.net
Consultant Dermatologist,
Head of Unit Pediatric Dermatology & In-charge Genoermatoses Services
As’ad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center, Kuwait
Email: artinanda@hotmail.com

Professor & Chair, Dermatology
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Brussels, Belgium
Email: bertrandjeanstanislas.richert@chu-brugmann.be
Director of the Dermatology,
Venereology and Allergology and Immunology
Dessau Medical Center, Germany
Founding Professor of Dermatology and Venereology
Theodor Fontane Medical University of Brandenburg, Germany
Email: christos.zouboulis@gmx.de
Professor & Chair,
Department of Dermatology,
St George Hospital,
University of NSW,
Sydney, Australia
Email: d.murrell@unsw.edu.in
Head of Department
Clinical Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Email: jacek.szepietowski@umw.edu.pl

Attending Physician
Division of Dermatology
John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County
Chicago, IL 60612
Email: shilpaderm@gmail.com

Director, Clinical-Educator Fellowship , University of Pennsylvania
Education Officer,
University of Pennsylvania Director of Education,
University of Pennsylvania Penn Athletics Consultant in Dermatology,
University of Pennsylvania
Email: william.James@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Uday Khopkar
Global Hospital,
Mumbai, India
Email: drkhopkar@gmail.com
Editorial Assistant
Senior Librarian cum Academic Co-ordinator
Department of Academics & Research,
AMRI Hospital, Kolkata,
West Bengal 700029, India
Email: tapasijdvl@gmail.com
IADVL National Executive 2025
Dr. Rajeev Sharma
Past President
President Elect
Dr. Vinay Singh
Hony General Secretary
Dr. Bhumesh
Vice Presidents
Dr. A.J.S Pravin
Honorary Treasurer
Dr. Kavitha S B
Joint Secretaries
Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Thakur