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Enteropathy in Psoriasis - Fact or Fancy
NS Das, S Sakeblan, AVSS Rao Rama
Correspondence Address:
N S Das
Correspondence Address:
N S Das
How to cite this article: Das N S, Sakeblan S, Rama AR. Enteropathy in Psoriasis - Fact or Fancy. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1975;41:46-48 |
Copyright: (C)1975 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Intestinal absorption and fat excretion in stool were evaluated in ten psoriatic patients and seven normal subjects to Study the presence of enteropathy among psoriasis patients in India, a tropical country. The present study Demonstrated no significant abnormality in intestinal absorption and fat excretion in stool. As such, no significant evidence of naturopathy in psoriasis patient was observed.Fulltext Views
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