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Fissure Soles in Leprosy
P Nagabhushanam
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P Nagabhushanam
Correspondence Address:
P Nagabhushanam
How to cite this article: Nagabhushanam P. Fissure Soles in Leprosy. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1968;34:107-109 |
Copyright: (C)1968 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
The incidence of fissures of soles in 196 patients of leprosy was observed, and found to be very high 78.6% and the incidence is more in non lepromatous type especially polyneuritictype. It may be most probably mild trophic change resulting in dryness of feet leading to fissuring of soles.