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Case Report
Naevus lipomatosus superficialis of Hoffman and Zurhelle
Sandipan Dhar, Bhushan Kumar, Inderjeet Kaur
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Sandipan Dhar
Correspondence Address:
Sandipan Dhar
How to cite this article: Dhar S, Kumar B, Kaur I. Naevus lipomatosus superficialis of Hoffman and Zurhelle. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1994;60:39-40 |
Copyright: (C)1994 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
A 45 year old male presented with a large yellowish irregular surfaced tumour of 5 years duration, situated over lower back. There were comedo like lesions over it and a few nodules on top showed necrosis. A diagnosis of naevus lipomatosus superficialis was made. Histopathology revealed presence of mature adipose tissue interposed with bundles of collagen within the reticular dermis. Late appearance, large size, extension beyond midline, comedolike lesions were some unusual features observed in this rare disorder.
Keywords: Naevus lipomatosus Superficialis, Late onset, Ulceration
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