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Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
PMID: 28211376
Ocular Lesions in Leprosy
CC Reddy, VV Subrahamanyam, L Padmavathi
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How to cite this article: Reddy C C, Subrahamanyam V V, Padmavathi L. Ocular Lesions in Leprosy. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1981;47:220-225 |
Copyright: (C)1981 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Out of 100 cases of leprosy studied or ocular complications, 46 were suffering from lepromatous leprosy and -54 from nonlepromatous leprosy; 72 were males and 28 females. The patients were in the age group of 13-70 years. with the mum incidence (45%) in fifth -decade of life. The mean duration of leprosy was 11.8 years, with a range between 4 and 36 years. Single or multiple ocular lesions were found in 84% of patients. Impaired or absent corneal sensation (70%) was the most frequently seen ocular lesion, in this study, - followed by madarosis of eye brows and eye lids (56%), anterior uveitis (21%) lagopthalmos (19%), ectropion of lower lid (8%) and scleral lesions (4%) etc. Uniocular blindness was observed in 8% of patients. Periodical check up of all leprosy patients for any ocular involvement is essential un order to detect and treat the eye complications in early stages.Fulltext Views
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