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Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
PMID: 28193964
Papillon - Lefevre Syndrome
PP Paily, MJ Joy, PK Moorthy, KG Gopinadha Pillai, PP Paily, MI Joy, KP Moorthy
Correspondence Address:
P P Paily
Correspondence Address:
P P Paily
How to cite this article: Paily P P, Joy M J, Moorthy P K, Gopinadha Pillai K G, Paily P P, Joy M I, Moorthy K P. Papillon - Lefevre Syndrome. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1982;48:232-236 |
Copyright: (C)1982 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Two siblings with Papillon-Lefevre syndrome are described. Apart from the usual features,, both had symmetrical progressive hyperkeratosis and dystrophy of all the nails.Fulltext Views
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