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Case Report
Unilateral multisegmental herpes zoster in a normal child
RR Mittal, SS Gill, Kiranjot Kaur, AK Chopra
Correspondence Address:
R R Mittal
Correspondence Address:
R R Mittal
How to cite this article: Mittal R R, Gill S S, Kaur K, Chopra A K. Unilateral multisegmental herpes zoster in a normal child. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1994;60:362-363 |
Copyright: (C)1994 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
Widespread multisegmental Herpes zoster of left side of body in a 12 years nonimmunocompromised female is reported due to its rarity. She had no pain. She had burning in left arm and asymptomatic lesions on left trunk and leg.
Keywords: Multisegmental, Non-immunocompromised
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