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Guest editor's remarks
Correspondence Address:
Venkataram Mysore
3437, 1st G Cross, 7th Main, Subbanna Garden, Vijay Nagar, Bangalore-560 040
How to cite this article: Mysore V. Guest editor's remarks. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2008;74:3 |
The subspecialty of Dermatological Surgery has rapidly expanded and progressed in the recent past in India. With the increase in the number of dermatologists practising this subspecialty, of its profile in society, and in the awareness among patients, it has become important to establish standard guidelines of care. Publication of these guidelines by the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL) is therefore, an important and progressive step. In addition to helping our members in their effort to deliver good-quality dermatosurgical care to patients, these recommended standards provide a reference framework that can be quoted in any context.
The guidelines are based on available evidence and the consensus of the task force members, and are framed to suit the Indian situation. It must be emphasized that the objective of these guidelines is to recommend minimum standards for practice of dermatosurgery by our IADVL members. The principles outlined in these guidelines are of a general nature only. The task force emphasizes that each patient has to be treated on his/her own merit and that these guidelines do not limit the physician from making an appropriate choice or the necessary innovation for a given patient.
The publication of these guidelines is as per the directive of Annual General body meeting( AGM) held at Chennai on 3 rd February 2007, in response to a submission by Drs Venkataram Mysore and S Sachidanand. On behalf of the taskforce members, the guest editor would like to thank all the members of the AGM for approving such a landmark publication, and in particular, the president Dr S Sachidanand, General Secretary Dr Rajeev Sharma, past presidents Drs Chetan Oberai and Suresh Joshipura , past secretary Dr Kaushik Lahiri and all the office bearers of IADVL for making this publication possible. The taskforce would also like to express its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the editor, Dr Uday Khopkar, all the referees of IJDVL, and many IADVL members who contributed to the formulation of these guidelines.
Finally, guest editor conveys sincere thanks and appreciation to all the members of the task force who cooperated by writing authoritative and evidence based articles and completing the work on time.
The taskforce welcomes any suggestions from the readers. It is hoped that these guidelines will prove to be a significant step in furthering the progress of dermatosurgery in India in the years to come.
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