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PMID: 20921647
A clinico - histopathological outcome of 4 weeks methotrexate pulse therapy in psoriasis
BL Masuria, NK Bansal, M Sharma, MK Singhi, A Mittal, LK Gupta
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, RNT Medical College, Udaipur, India
Correspondence Address:
M K Singhi
Q.No. 3/2 MDM Hospital Campus, Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Correspondence Address:
M K Singhi
Q.No. 3/2 MDM Hospital Campus, Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
How to cite this article: Masuria B L, Bansal N K, Sharma M, Singhi M K, Mittal A, Gupta L K. A clinico - histopathological outcome of 4 weeks methotrexate pulse therapy in psoriasis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1999;65:172-173 |
Copyright: (C)1999 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology
A clinico - histopathological study was carried out In 50 patients of psoriasis to see clinical and histological outcome and/or correlation of weekly methotrexate pulse therapy. Clinically, results of therapy were evalutated by estimating the percentage of total body coverage with psoriasis. Prior to therapy, average involvement was 47.5% which after 4 weeks methotrexate therapy reduced to 8.3%. A complete clearing of psoriasis occurred in 40% of patients after methotrexate therapy. The clinical response started as early as 1 week in most of patients. Only 2 patients failed to respond even after 4 weeks of therapy. Histopathologically in pretreatment biopsy, 34 showed classical psoriatic pathology while in 16 biopsy was suggestive of psoriasis but not confirmative. Histopathological examination after 4 weeks treatment showed that 41 still showed one or more histological evidence of psoriasis, although only two patients had classical, psoriatic pathology, in rest 9 patients there were complete regression. Thus, with methotrexate, clinical clearance was much faster than histopathological clearance.
Keywords: psoriasis, Methotrexate
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