Surajit Nayak, Samira Kumar Behera, Basanti Acharjya, A Sahu, D Mishra
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 139-142
Surajit Nayak, Samira Kumar Behera, Basanti Acharjya, A Sahu, D Mishra
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 139-142
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Surajit Nayak, Samira Kumar Behera, Basanti Acharjya, A Sahu, D Mishra
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 139-142
Surajit Nayak, Samira Kumar Behera, Basanti Acharjya, A Sahu, D Mishra
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 139-142
Kapil Jain, VK Jain, Kamal Aggarwal, Anu Bansal
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 139-141
Kapil Jain, VK Jain, Kamal Aggarwal, Anu Bansal
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 139-141
Pramod Kumar, Jerome Pinto, Kamath
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 59:3; 140-142
Pramod Kumar, Jerome Pinto, Kamath
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 59:3; 140-142
K Pavithran
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 141-142
K Pavithran
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 141-142
Anilkumar Gaikwad, US Khaire, GA Surwade, Reshakiran Shende, KS Bhople
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 67:3; 141-143
Anilkumar Gaikwad, US Khaire, GA Surwade, Reshakiran Shende, KS Bhople
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 67:3; 141-143
Asha Kubba, Meenakshi Batrani, Atul Taneja, Vivek Jain
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 80:2; 141-144
Asha Kubba, Meenakshi Batrani, Atul Taneja, Vivek Jain
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 80:2; 141-144
BD Sathyanarayana, B Leelavathy
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 64:3; 142-143
BD Sathyanarayana, B Leelavathy
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 64:3; 142-143
M Sendhil Kumaran, Divya Appachu, Elizabeth Jayaseelan
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 142-144
M Sendhil Kumaran, Divya Appachu, Elizabeth Jayaseelan
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 142-144
SR Sadana, RC Sarin, Kamlesh Kumar
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 35:3; 143-147
SR Sadana, RC Sarin, Kamlesh Kumar
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AJ Santosham Pugalendhi, MK Venkatram, PS Ranganathan
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AJ Santosham Pugalendhi, MK Venkatram, PS Ranganathan
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 45:2; 143-145
Sanjay Ghosh, B Haldar, A Biswas
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 143-144
Sanjay Ghosh, B Haldar, A Biswas
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ML Khatri, M Shafi
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 59:3; 143-145
ML Khatri, M Shafi
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A Riyaz, Najeeba Riyaz
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 65:3; 143-144
A Riyaz, Najeeba Riyaz
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BB Mahajan, Geeta Garg, RR Gupta
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BB Mahajan, Geeta Garg, RR Gupta
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Sudipta Saha, Anita Dhar, AK Karak
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 143-144
Sudipta Saha, Anita Dhar, AK Karak
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 143-144
KP Guha, NJ Barbhulya, GS Maity
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 57:3; 144-145
KP Guha, NJ Barbhulya, GS Maity
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K Krishna, MB Gharpuray
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 67:3; 144-145
K Krishna, MB Gharpuray
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 67:3; 144-145
MJ Cyriac, Jacob Zachariah, KR Harilal
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 145-146
MJ Cyriac, Jacob Zachariah, KR Harilal
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 145-146
Anup Kumar Lahiry
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 68:3; 145-146
Anup Kumar Lahiry
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 68:3; 145-146
Sunil Kumar Y, AR Raghupathi, Chidananda
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Sunil Kumar Y, AR Raghupathi, Chidananda
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Vandana Mehta, C Balachandran, Sudha Bhat, V Geetha, Donald Fernandes
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Vandana Mehta, C Balachandran, Sudha Bhat, V Geetha, Donald Fernandes
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Mahdi Bakhshaee, Shahaboddin Shabani, Mehdi Farzadnia, Seyed Aliakbar Shamsian, Pouran Layegh
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Mahdi Bakhshaee, Shahaboddin Shabani, Mehdi Farzadnia, Seyed Aliakbar Shamsian, Pouran Layegh
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PT Thankappan, G Sulochana
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 57:3; 146-147
PT Thankappan, G Sulochana
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Sandipan Dhar, Asim Das, Kaur
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Sandipan Dhar, Asim Das, Kaur
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Asok Kumar Gangopadhyay
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Asok Kumar Gangopadhyay
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K Pavithran
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 56:2; 147-149
K Pavithran
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S Jena, SS Mishra
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S Jena, SS Mishra
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Binodini Behera, DK Jena, R Chhetia, J Vijayashree
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 72:2; 147-149
Binodini Behera, DK Jena, R Chhetia, J Vijayashree
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DP Jayaram, HK Rajashekaraiah
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 35:3; 148-149
DP Jayaram, HK Rajashekaraiah
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RS Misra, Uma Saxena, Ashok Mukherjee
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RS Misra, Uma Saxena, Ashok Mukherjee
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KR Gautam, KP Sharma, KH Kar, KR Jain, Sharma
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KR Gautam, KP Sharma, KH Kar, KR Jain, Sharma
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MB Gharpuray, SD Mutalik
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MB Gharpuray, SD Mutalik
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Ranju Rai, Abir Saraswat, Bhushan Kumar
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Ranju Rai, Abir Saraswat, Bhushan Kumar
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Girishkumar R Ambade, Rachita S Dhurat, Nitin Lade, Hemangi R Jerajani
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 148-150
Girishkumar R Ambade, Rachita S Dhurat, Nitin Lade, Hemangi R Jerajani
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M Shafi, ML Khatri
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M Shafi, ML Khatri
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TK Mehta, L Marquis
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TK Mehta, L Marquis
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V Ramesh, Uma Saxena, RS Misra
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V Ramesh, Uma Saxena, RS Misra
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VK Jain, VB Dixit, Rama Jain
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VK Jain, VB Dixit, Rama Jain
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Vijay Kumar, RB Garg, CM Baruah, C Ratnakar
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Vijay Kumar, RB Garg, CM Baruah, C Ratnakar
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RR Mittal, Maninder
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RR Mittal, Maninder
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Rajendra Okade, V Rajkumar, V Raghunath, R Raghunath Reddy, B Madhu
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Rajendra Okade, V Rajkumar, V Raghunath, R Raghunath Reddy, B Madhu
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PN Behl, A Luthra
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PN Behl, A Luthra
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RB Bhonsle, Fali S Mehta, PR Murti, DK Daftary, K. S. S Iyer
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RB Bhonsle, Fali S Mehta, PR Murti, DK Daftary, K. S. S Iyer
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Reshakiran Shende, MY Khedker
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Reshakiran Shende, MY Khedker
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Najeeba Riyaz, V Laxmi Nair
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Najeeba Riyaz, V Laxmi Nair
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Avninder Singh, Joginder Kumar, Sujala Kapur, V Ramesh
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74:2; 151-153
Avninder Singh, Joginder Kumar, Sujala Kapur, V Ramesh
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Zhu Ke-jian, Zhu Tie-Cheng, Shi Yuan-he, Ge Zheng-Yi
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Zhu Ke-jian, Zhu Tie-Cheng, Shi Yuan-he, Ge Zheng-Yi
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S Criton, PK Majeed Abdul, PU Asokan
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S Criton, PK Majeed Abdul, PU Asokan
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Prakash Kumar, R Chaturak, TA Venkatesh, HR Chandrasekhar
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 67:3; 152-153
Prakash Kumar, R Chaturak, TA Venkatesh, HR Chandrasekhar
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G Kalla, Anush Garg
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G Kalla, Anush Garg
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M Jayaraman, G llangovan, S Premalatha, EM Abdul Razack, TC Muthuswamy
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M Jayaraman, G llangovan, S Premalatha, EM Abdul Razack, TC Muthuswamy
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Binod K Khaitan, Apra Sood, Arun Joshi, AK Bajaj, Taru Garg, MK Singh
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Binod K Khaitan, Apra Sood, Arun Joshi, AK Bajaj, Taru Garg, MK Singh
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BR Shah, AJ Palkhiwala, BE Rawoot
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BR Shah, AJ Palkhiwala, BE Rawoot
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N Basu, Maya Sanyal, AK Banerjee, A Thammayya
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N Basu, Maya Sanyal, AK Banerjee, A Thammayya
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Sabyasachi Majumdar, Anup KR Bhattacharya
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Sabyasachi Majumdar, Anup KR Bhattacharya
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F Handa, RR Aggarwal, Adarsh Chopra
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F Handa, RR Aggarwal, Adarsh Chopra
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Pramod Kumar Nigam, Gurmohan Singh
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Pramod Kumar Nigam, Gurmohan Singh
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Seetharam Kolalapudi
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Sanjay K Rathi
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KN Saxena, MM Singh, SK Sharma, Chander Prakash
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KN Saxena, MM Singh, SK Sharma, Chander Prakash
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N Jayendra Dave, S Nitin Vora, Amiya Mukhopadhyay
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N Jayendra Dave, S Nitin Vora, Amiya Mukhopadhyay
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Sabyasachi Majumdar, Ashok Aggarwal
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Sardari Lal, A Velou, T Bhama
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SR Sadana, Sardari Lal
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SM Sharmughan Pillai, PA Sarojini
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SM Sharmughan Pillai, PA Sarojini
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Inderjeet Kaur, Bhushan Kumar, Arvind Rajwanshi, Surrinder Kaur
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GK Prasad
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TR Kapur, MA Ansari, OP Singh
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TR Kapur, MA Ansari, OP Singh
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K Pavithran
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K Pavithran
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HR Chandrashekhar, SR Kadam, P Madhavmurthy, Keta Pai
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HR Chandrashekhar, SR Kadam, P Madhavmurthy, Keta Pai
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HL Kher, B.M.S. Bedi
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SC Bharija, AJ Kanwar, MS Belhaj
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SC Bharija, AJ Kanwar, MS Belhaj
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VL Aswani, RH Malkani
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VL Aswani, RH Malkani
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SL Kate, MA Paadke, GD Mokashi, VA Khendkar, GS Sainani, BB Gokhalay
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SL Kate, MA Paadke, GD Mokashi, VA Khendkar, GS Sainani, BB Gokhalay
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M Ramachander, R Saraladevi
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M Ramachander, R Saraladevi
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PA Sarojini, O Raveendranathan, BK Hareendran Nair
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PA Sarojini, O Raveendranathan, BK Hareendran Nair
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Arun C Inamadar, SB Athanikar, Veena Patil, VV Sampagavi, NS Deshukh
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Arun C Inamadar, SB Athanikar, Veena Patil, VV Sampagavi, NS Deshukh
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M Lohidakshan Unnithen, SM hanmugham Pillai, M Vijaydharan, PA Sarojini
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M Lohidakshan Unnithen, SM hanmugham Pillai, M Vijaydharan, PA Sarojini
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D Prabhavathy, P Ratnavelu, M Sundraram, Sugantha
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D Prabhavathy, P Ratnavelu, M Sundraram, Sugantha
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Vikrant A Saoji, Atul D Salodkar
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K Abdul Latheef, PP Mohandas, MI Joy
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K Abdul Latheef, PP Mohandas, MI Joy
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 44:3; 162-165
BR Garg, Mohammed Ameen Sait
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 51:3; 162-163
BR Garg, Mohammed Ameen Sait
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A Girdhar, AK Bagga, BK Girdhar
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A Girdhar, AK Bagga, BK Girdhar
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María Mercedes Otero Rivas, Sara Calleja Antolín, Pedro Sánchez Sambucety, Elia Samaniego González, José María García Ruíz de Morales, Manuel Ángel Rodríguez Prieto
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 81:2; 162-165
María Mercedes Otero Rivas, Sara Calleja Antolín, Pedro Sánchez Sambucety, Elia Samaniego González, José María García Ruíz de Morales, Manuel Ángel Rodríguez Prieto
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 81:2; 162-165
B.S.N. Reddy, AK Ram, MC Baruah, BR Garg
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 52:3; 163-167
B.S.N. Reddy, AK Ram, MC Baruah, BR Garg
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C Arun Inamadar
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 60:3; 163-164
C Arun Inamadar
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PK Sharma, RK Gautam, AK Sharma
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PK Sharma, RK Gautam, AK Sharma
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TR Kapur
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TR Kapur
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RS Misra, Dharampal , R Bikhchandani
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 36:4; 164-168
RS Misra, Dharampal , R Bikhchandani
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BM Hemashettar, CS Patil, B Siddaramappa, A Thammayya
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 51:3; 164-166
BM Hemashettar, CS Patil, B Siddaramappa, A Thammayya
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 51:3; 164-166
© Copyright 2025 – Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology.
Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL), India.
ISSN (Print): 0378-6323
ISSN (Online): 0973-3922