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Pattern of dermatological diseases in gauhati medical college and hospital Guwahati
Correspondence Address:
K K Das
Satmile, Jalukbari, Guwahati - 781 014
How to cite this article: Das K K. Pattern of dermatological diseases in gauhati medical college and hospital Guwahati. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2003;69:16-18 |
A study on 42198 new cases who have attended the Dermatology department of Gawahati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati, Assam was carried out for a period of 3 years (1998, 1999 and 2000) Eczema (23.10%), pyoderma (14.29%), fungal infection(14.24%) and psoriasis (5.77%) were the major skin diseases in this part of our country. The incidence of S.T.D. and leprosy has been recorded as 2.63% and 2.26% respectively.

Human skin may mirror the presence o benign/malignant systemic diseases in man different ways. Many times an unusual skin eruption may be a clue to some internal disorder that may not be obvious and only by the presence of a dermatosis may it become evident that Period a systemic disease may be present.
Skin diseases and its pattern vary in different parts of India due to differences in socioeconomic religious and geographic factors. Hence this retrospective study of 1999 pattern of skin disease at Gauhati Medical College Hospital is undertaken.
Materials and Methods
All the new cases which were diagnosed in the Department of Dermatology, Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati for 3 calendar years 1998, 1999 and 2000 were included in this study. The diseases were classified as per the general format [Table - 1]. Those skin diseases which were not coming under this format were classified as others.
The total number of cases recorded in the Gauhati Medical College Hospital and Department of Dermatology were as follows:
The number and percentages of the skin diseases are given in [Table - 1]. Eczemas topped the list numbering 9748 cases out of total 42198 new cases (23.10%). Pyoderma emerged as the 2vd largest group with 6033 cases out of total 42198 cases (14.29%). Fungal infections took the third position with 6009 cases (14.24%). Other skin diseases from psoriasis upto skin and appendageal tumors and genodermatoses ranged from 5.77% to 0.28%. The picture in S.T.D. has not changed much in respect to the number of cases per year. Hansen′s disease (2.26%) showed an increasing trend as shown in the [Table - 1].
Among the eczema group of diseases as shown in [Table - 2] contact dermatitis was found to be the commonest disorder (22.69%), followed by lichen simplex chronicus (16.52%) and seborrheic dermatitis (11.45%).
Dermatophytosis was the commonest fungal infection (47.46%), followed by tinea versicolor (29.08%), candidiasis (20.33%) and mycosis (3.11 %) as shown in [Table - 3].
Among the viral diseases, verruca vulgaris (41.44%), herpes genitalis (10.65%) and herpes labialis (7.67%), chickenpox as (3.53%) and other viral exanthems as 0.45% have been recorded.
[Table - 4] shows the different types of vesiculo-bullous disorders. Pemphigus vulgaris constituted 40.83%, followed by dermatitis herpetiformis (36.22%), bullous pem-phigoid (1 5 .9 1 %) C. B. D. C. as (5.33%) and Hailey Hailey as (1.38%).
Pattern of collagen diseases are shown in [Table - 5] Systemic sclerosis shows as (35%). S.L.E. (35%) and D.L.E. (15.50%) took the 2nd and 3rd position respectively, morphoea as 11.5% and M.C.T.D. as I%.
In the present study skin diseases constituted 6.3% of the total number of patients who have attended the Gauhati Medical College Hospital during the study period.
Eczema was the largest group of skin diseases. Contact dermatitis was very common in this part of our country. Most of the people of Assam are cultivators and engaged in manual works. As such they come in contact with different sensitizers and detergents.
Pyogenic infection formed the second largest group of disorders. Low socio-economic conditions, high humidity and working condition are factors which influence the increase in incidence of pyodermas.
Similar results have been recorded in a study conducted in Delhi.[2] Viral infections were almost similar as in other parts of our country The incidence of drug reactions was 2.49%.
The incidence of leprosy was only 2.26% This may be due to the awareness of the peoplE regarding this disease and reporting for treatment.
I offer my thanks to the principal cum chief superintendent Gauhati Medical College and Hospital for his kind approvc to use the hospital records, Sri Jogesh Chandra Das. asst. executive engg. for his kind help in the statistica preparations and Staff of the Dermatology deptt. of Gauha Medical College and Hospital for their kind help fo preparation of this manuscript.
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